A Quick Guide to 203K Loans

ImageThe “Federal Housing Administration” (FHA) was created in 1934 by the United States government. The agency was created in mind for the tasks of: establishing a method for home financing through mortgage loans, improving the housing conditions of the country, and controlling and stabilizing the mortgage market. “Fixed” or “rehab” loans can also be another way to refer to a 203K loan, a 203K loan is provided by the FHA. There are two parts of a 203K loan, one part for making home improvements, while another is for buying a new project.

A big benefit to the 203K loan is that you only have to deal with one agreement for home improvement and the purchase of a property. Since the 203K loan is a “two in one” as stated above, the amount of paperwork and costs that are brought upon in the entire process are quite low. Due in part mostly to the fact that the FHA is a government agency, 203K loans are quite competitive when compared to those provided by private banks.

There are not many disadvantages when it comes to a FHA 203K loan. The only complaint normally ever reported about a 203K loan is that it can take a little bit longer to close on the loan then you would normally expect from someone else like a private lender. While attempting to minimize the disadvantages to a 203K loan, there are several reputable credit broking organizations that can assist you with your money management.

Along with the improvements that will be needed with the house, a 203K loan can help pay for the home itself too. The amount of money that you are entitled to borrow depends on the geographic location of the particular property you’re considering. The amount of capital that is loaned is generally 110% of what a home’s projected value would be after the purchase and improvement to the house is complete. There are smaller loan types offered by the FHA which allow you to take on a somewhat smaller task. Within 6 months of closing, the improvements on the property must be finished on the property purchased with the 203K loan.

It’s important to consult with a reputable broking company that can give you a good and accurate estimation before you apply for a particular amount of money for your 203K loan. If you come across the unfortunate circumstance of running out of capital while doing your renovations, you can not ask the FHA for more, so it’s essential that you get a good estimation for costs. HomePath loans is a spectacular broking company that can help you out tremendously. The amount of services and solutions offered by HomePath loans is very large, the offer things such as debt consolidation, loans, mortgages, and management of finances.

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